Why Water Conservation

Learn why conservation is important to our future.

Prepare 60: Utah's Water Future

As many Utahns know, we live in the second driest of the fifty United States, receiving only 19.5 averages inches of precipitation state-wide per year. Utah's population is increasing at a rate that our current water supply can't sustain. We are expecting our population to double from three million to six million by the year 2060. To sustain this growth water providers will need to find more sources of water. The cheapest and least invasive of these is water conservation. The cost to conserve water is minimal compared to the cost of building new infrastructure.For water conservation to be effective, we all need to take part and make it a priority. If everyone saves we can make a huge impact on helping Utah's water future.
Visit the Prep 60 website HERE

Conservation Goals

As a state, we are committed to achieving a 25% reduction in water use per capita by 2025. This will help us make sure there is adequate amounts of water to serve our growing population. To accomplish this Weber Basin Water Conservancy District has been implementing a variety of conservation programs to reach out to and educate those living in our service area of Weber, Davis, Morgan, and Summit Counties. Click on the links below to learn more about each program:
Spring Garden Fair

Conservation Videos

Ways to Save

There are hundreds of simple ways to save water that won't impact your life style. Check out the lists below to begin helping Utah save water!
Outdoor Water Conservation Ideas
Indoor Water Conservation Ideas
Home Water Audit
Utah Lawn Watering Guide

Secondary Water Meters

Weber Basin Water has thousands of secondary water connections throughout Weber and Davis Counties. For many years these connections have been unmetered and residents have paid for water generally on their property taxes with one fixed cost per year, for a specific volume of water for their parcel. In 2010 Weber Basin began installing water meters on secondary connections in order to inform homeowners on how much water they use for outdoor irrigation, and to educate them about how much is actually needed for their landscape. This effort is intended to eliminate waste and to have water users reduce water use to what is needed.
Monthly meter statements are sent to all metered secondary users that have a Weber Basin connection and a secondary meter. These reports have the water used in gallons as well as how much water use is recommended for that parcel (based on parcel size and landscaped area) using 30 year average weather data from the Utah Climate Center.
Statements can be provided either in paper form or by email but email is preferred to reduce cost and resource use. If you have a meter and would like to receive an email version of your statement please email your name, address, and preferred email address to . Any inquiries about metering can be addressed by email or by a phone call to the District.